When is a good time?
A couple of years ago, Sarah Thébaud and her colleagues published a study where they found that motherhood affects women’s careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) long even before they are to become mothers. According to their data which is based on interviews to 57 PhD students, motherhood is seen as a subject …
A step towards more inclusive Gender representation in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology conferences
Since 2018 the initiative #DóndeEstánEllas (#WhereAreThey?) led by the European Parliament Office in Spain has been recording speaker participation in events related to European affairs. This initiative aims to avoid all-male panels in conferences and to provide visibility and encourage participation of women in these events. In science, attending and presenting research data in conferences …
Closing the scissors-shape curve
Gender inequality in STEM fields undermines the ability for talented individuals to succeed. In a commentary article recently published in Cell, Joanna Joyce and collaborators discussed possible measurements to close the scissor-shaped curve in STEM fields. The term “scissor-shaped curve” is used to describe a common phenomenon where the proportion of women in academia sharply …